Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blog Swap!

Rewind back to 1989!

So why 1989?

Don't know just had this idea and went with it. I thought it would be kind to rewind.

I started by going to google and searching for movies that released that year. That year I would have been around eleven which is a good age, right before you hit that awkward stage and become too cool to watch kids movies. Now, twenty years later and I'm finding that movies from this year were actually very influential part of my life.

See if you can guess this movie quote from 1989.

"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? / Wouldn't ya think my collection's complete / Wouldn't you think I'm the girl / Girl who has everything / Look at this trove, treasures untold / How many wonders can one cavern hold? / Looking around you'd think / Sure, she's got everything / I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty / I have whoozits and whatzis galore / You want thingamabobs? I've got twenty / But who cares? No big deal / I want more."

Do we actually learn from our parents or do we learn from the things we watch on TV? I guess it depends on the household but when I grew up I loved watching movies and my parents didn't mind.

Thinking back to eleven was a great age. I could rent those rectangle shaped things that had a long tape in it that sometimes bunched up in your VCR, what were those things called........

Oh right VHS Tapes.....What an invention!

Not too long ago I went to Half Price books and outside they have all the books on clearance. I love clearance especially when I find a good deal. Half Price books also sells old VHS movies and that day they happen to have a ton of the classic kids movies like that I used to watch when I was younger.

I just knew my daughter would love them too!

What a bargain. Some really good titles were just a buck! I bought about 8 or 10 different movies for a variety. One of them being All Dogs Go to Heaven.

Such a cute movie!

I bring them home and I'm really excited to have my daughter watch the same things I watched when I was younger. It brings back memories and helps me remember things that I had forgotten such a long time ago. I stood there with a glow on my face for finding such a great bargain.

Ten minutes later.........The movie is OVER!

Hey wait why was it over so soon? I guess the inventor didn't think that far ahead and neither did I. It takes 5 minutes to rewind a whole movie. My daughter thinks 5 minutes is too long. By the time its done she totally forgot about the movie

My golden glow is gone.....I thought "what a terrible invention".

I could kiss the inventor of the know the kind of kiss you would give a chef for making a great meal. I have no idea what I would have done back before these gadgets and gizmos were invented. All I know is I want more thingamabobs that make a mom's life easier.
** About the Blog Swap: I signed up for a Blog Swap, where I was paired with Brandy, who authors a blog called Best Children's Movies. You can read more from Brandy here. She sent me this post to publish on my blog!


Unknown said...

I was looking at some VHS tapes the other day on clearance, but then I remembered that we threw out our last VCR two years ago.

Mike and Katie said...

That's so funny! WHen you mentioned kids movies from 1989 the first one I thought of was the little mermaid even though I wasn't sure exactly when that was released. I loved that movie but from a mom perspective, now I see a rebelious teenager girl flaunting her bust and her mid-riff!

I loved the music!

My favorite part about DVD players? The automatic reply feature. We have a cute animals VHS which is only 1/2 long. Not quite long enough to get the baby fed before I hear, "Again!"

Brandy @ Best Children's Movies said...

@ hevel Haha actually I was at a thrift store and thought a VCR was a good idea since my daughter would scratch up the DVD's so I bought one.

@ Mike and Katie

I have no idea why I picked 1989 but when I found that All dogs go to heave and the little mermaid were released that year I was excited because those 2 were my fav. You are right though she was rebellious just like kids that age are. Yes DVD players are a mom's best friend! VCR was cool while it lasted hahaha


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